3 Cat-Inspired Accessories That You Can Wear for Different Occasions

There is a reason why kitty-themed accessories are highly sorted after. They are just too adorable! Yes, they are! But other than that, the accessories are extremely versatile, which means that they can be worn for different occasions. Picking three such events- casual, dressy and formal, here are three cat-themed accessories that seamlessly complement them. The products have been summarized here. Keep reading to know more. 

An elegant neckpiece for formal occasions 

Fashionable and elegant, a neckpiece featuring a cat motif is something that will perfectly complement any and all formal outfit. Made of sterling silver and white copper, the neckpiece has a shine which adds to the timeless design. You can wear the piece with an ensemble that is highly conventional. Whether it is a pantsuit or a dress, the neckpiece goes well with all. To clean the piece and maintain its lustrous appeal, gently wipe it with a soft cloth. 

An evening coin purse for a dressy gathering 

You have to attend an evening party and you have a flawless number picked for the occasion. But it doesn’t come with slots and you have no place to stash your cards, cash,and coin! Instead of carrying a tacky number that is a blotch on your otherwise beautiful gown, you can opt for an elegant coin purse featuring the face of a cat. The coin purse is small but has enough space to fit all the change in it. The use of PU leather gives it a lustrous shine which renders it perfect for a dressy evening. The cat coin purse comes in a wide range of shades and can be picked accordingly by you. The pouch style along with the utilitarian strap makes it easy to carry. 

A tote backpack for regular outings 

A backpack that turns into a tote bag or vice versa and features an adorable cat motif is perfect regular use. Crafted using fine quality PU that gives it a polished finish, the bag is spacious enough to accommodate all your personal belongings. The wide straps come in three ways- one for the hand, one for the shoulder and two for the back- which makes it all the more functional. The cheerful combination of the colors along with the cat motif makes it an acquirement worth showing off. The versatile make of the tote backpack makes it ideal for daily use.

Thus, whatever occasion you attend, with the right cat-themed accessories, you can stand out in the crowd. Not only does it add to your attire, but it also helps you proclaim your love for the furballs to the world. Top retailers of kitty merchandises have all sorts of accessories that include silver cat earrings, bags, phone cases, headphones and much more. You can buy the products at a price which is affordable and reasonable. So give your attires for different occasions a boost with impeccable cat-inspired accessories.

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