5 Kinds of Presents That Go Really Well with The Cat Theme

Cat people love gifts like all others and if you have a friend who is an ailurophile, then this blog is surely going to help you get some hands-on advice on what kind of gifts go really well with the cat theme. If the gift matches the theme, it makes it that much more special and your friend is bound to thank you for it. But before you take a look at the 5 things, there’s a little disclaimer. Presents for cat lovers shouldn’t be limited to these 5 types of items only, however the top picks will be listed here for the purpose of the blog. Roll over your eyes- 

1.  Pendants 

Cat pendants are one of the most popular and widely loved gifts for ailurophiles. The reason for this is quite simple-the pendants are cute and customizable. If someone wants to really personalize the gift, they could make the pendant a spitting impression of their friend’s favorite pet and make it an emotional prize. With many types of pendants being advertised around by cat-loving websites, there are plenty of variations in this genre and it would be a great budget gift that would hold true to the meaning of present and make your friend really happy. 

2.  Cat Print Dresses 

This one is for your lady friends only but it’s one of the big shells in the arsenal for the simple reason that it combines two of the most potent gifts for any woman ailurophile - the dress and a cat theme. Many e-commerce websites have plenty of color and design options and you could always take help from another friend if you are having a hard time picking the right dress that will impress. However, for basics, you can stick to colors like black and navy blue with white or gold cat prints that bring together class and funk in a rather healthy balance. 

3.  Funny Cat Shirts 

A unisex gift idea for the lost lambs of gifting, the funny cat short promises a lot when it comes to be the ideal present. Whether you want to gift it to a guy or a girl, you can find plenty of designs of funny cat shirts for both. Make sure you go for casual colors because no matter how classy of a color you choose, this one is never going to be used in formal occasions. So, don’t go fancy and stick to its basic theme as something that lights up the mood as it can prove to be a good option for their casual Fridays. 

4.  Cat Wallpaper and Wall Prints 

This home decor option will surely make the living spaces spell out their personalities a little more. Many cat gift websites have started bringing in creative and innovative wall art designs that will make your cat-loving friends heart go pop when they get it for their apartments. You can contrast the colors with the hues of the wall and interior decor to make sure that it fits the style and doesn’t look out of place. That is something you will have to back yourself to achieve.

Many of the wall arts also come with funny sceneries like a cat sitting on the branch and the likes and it couldn’t look any more heartwarming! 

5.  Cat Lamps 

What could possibly be cuter than having a bed lamp by your side shaped like a cute fluffy cat just waving you good night? Just brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it? Now imagine how much of an impression it is going to make when you gift to a fellow feline loving ailurophile. Every night when they go to sleep, they are definitely going to say your name in their graces; and you get the wonderful feeling of gifting something unique and making them feel really special.

If you are heaving sighs of relief when you read this, then this blog has definitely served its purpose. So, what are you waiting for? Get gift shopping now!

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